A Radical Notion: You Deserve To Be Happy <3


Today I am inspired to share a lesson about a radical notion for so many women…

The idea that you truly, deeply, deserve to be happy.

For so many generations in our patriarchal society, women have been taught that their happiness is of no value. In countless ways, and through thousands of little social interactions, women are taught to shut up, sit down, be agreeable, be quiet, to submit and serve the interests of others – namely the men. This requires a mental split, where a woman’s own will and inner voice is placed inside a cupboard to get along and survive in the world… after a while she has no idea what her happiness even looks like.

In our modern society much lip service is given to the notion of equality, while women do double the work for half the rewards. They work in the home, outside the home, with the children, with the pets, with the schools, with the churches, with the community… women are the invisible glue that keeps social ties, and the working lubricant in the interpersonal engine of companies, families and civic groups. Without them chaos and conflict and strife would quickly ensue. Yet their work is invisible work – the praises of the multi-tasking secretary, or the superhero single mom are not sung alongside the ruthless, laser-focused male executive.  

More bitter than the lesser pay and social status, is the internal emotional damage that takes a toll on women everywhere, who do not even question the idea of living a life where they are miserable, and putting everybody else’s needs first. And while I deeply appreciate women’s natural ability to handle the enormous pressures of these positions, and juggle needs of so many others in their extended web of personal connections, as a woman, you should never allow your incredible power of giving and empathizing to be taken advantage of.

Because every single human being was born for a purpose, and deserves to find their own way and happiness in life – and that includes you!

For too long women have been told, in so many subtle ways, that to be happy is somehow selfish and wrong. It is a message repeated so often, that many women deeply believe this… they have no expectation of happiness at all, and truly worry about being selfish when simply asking for their own basic needs to be met. Needs like peace, stability, affection, trust, security, consistency, honesty, caring and kindness. Needs like getting a full night of sleep, and having time for their own interests, instead of spending sixteen hours a day taking care of everybody else.

I’m here to tell you that not only do you deserve to be happy as a human being, but it is the very opposite of “selfish” to do so!

There is nothing selfish about being happy, because only happy, alive, passionate people have the energy and charisma to make a positive difference in the world. The truth is, if you’re not genuinely happy, you’re just dragging down everything and everyone around you. Martyrs and barely-functioning, sleep-deprived-overworked-zombies are not making the world a better place… they’re toxic enablers that keep things out of balance. The more women do, the less men bother to show up. The more women tolerate, the more burden they’re forced to bear.

If you’re not happy, I’m afraid you’re part of the problem… you’re the lead weight on a sinking ship instead of the lifesaver. The world desperately needs MORE happy people, not less… the world needs MORE self-love/self-respect and personal boundaries, not less… the world needs MORE passionate people buzzing with enthusiasm for their calling, not less! It’s the countless millions of people who’ve ignored the whisperings of their inner joy and forced themselves to do things they hate doing, and the myriad of unhealthy ways they compensate for all that misery that is the root cause of most of our modern problems – from rampant greed to obesity, depression, drug use, broken homes, and destroying the planet.

Of course this is the complete opposite most women have been taught – which is to suffer in silence and believe your personal happiness has no meaning. But that is nonsense! Your happiness is the rocket fuel for the journey.

You must prioritize and protect your happiness, as a sacred covenant.

It is with a happy heart great works are done… the moment you let the world, or other people’s issues drag you down, you can not be part of the solution, or lead by example and grace so that others might find their passion, purpose and happiness also.

Much love!


If my work resonates with you, and you’d like to know more about one-on-one coaching for your situation, I’d love to hear from you at TheSirenRules@gmail.com. 

Good Men


Good men are hardwired to protect and provide for the women they love.

This basic survival instinct is at the DNA level of every healthy, functional, adult male.

To protect and provide (both physically and emotionally) is his natural role in successfully mating and creating a family that survives and thrives for the next generation of human beings to exist.

If a man you’re involved with fails to protect or provide for you to the best of his ability – you’ve just witnessed a massive red flag and it’s time to show him the door!

There’s no need to psychoanalyze why he failed to keep you safe… why he isn’t giving you the stability and security you need… why he didn’t buy you a Christmas present…  what his childhood was like… why he can’t commit… whether you can “make him see his issues”… why his life is a mess… why he blames you for everything…  why he can’t earn a decent living… why he didn’t care if you made it home safe… why he needs to borrow money from you… why he didn’t stand up to defend you when another man acted inappropriately toward you… why he got fired from his job (again)… why he wasn’t bothered that you were up crying all night (again)…

Trust me…

He’s broken. You can’t fix him.

Just GO.

Thousands of good, healthy, masculine men are waiting to prove themselves to you!

If this mini-lesson resonates and you’d like some one-on-one coaching about your situation, I’d love to hear from you at TheSirenRules@gmail.com. Much love! ❤ ~Selina

Mind Your Business!


Today I am inspired to share a lesson about minding your business… but in this case “mind your business” has nothing to do with gossip or being nosy!

This is a life lesson about knowing the difference between *your* business, and *someone else’s* business – and to put 100% of your energy toward YOUR business, without worrying about / trying to manage / somehow change / fuss about / obsess over / psycho-analyze or martyr yourself with misery … when it comes to someone else’s business.

In short, someone else’s business isn’t yours to deal with – and it’s guaranteed that while you’re thinking about the business of others, you have plenty of your own challenges that deserve your full attention, creativity and mental resources.

In short, YOU are where your focus belongs – because you and your life deserve your own FULL ATTENTION. ❤

So how do you know if something is your business or not, and whether you should give it any of your energy?

  1. Did you create the problem/issue that you see? Were you personally responsible?
  2. Are you the best person in terms of skills, training, resources, objectivity, time, ability, desire, proximity, etc to fix the problem? Are you an expert in this area, and is it your personal passion?
  3. Would your resolving to personally handle this issue create a feeling of positive, productive satisfaction in your life, or make you feel drained and miserable?
  4. At the present time, do you feel you can make a meaningful difference and truly solve this problem?
  5. Is focusing on this topic lifting you up, or pulling you down? Does it empower and move you forward, or keep you miserably running in circles?

That which is truly your business is something you feel productive, empowered and purposeful in doing – something that is within your control, something that you have the power, ability and willingness to change, that contributes meaningfully to your life / soul-purpose.

And the secret is that everything else… you have to let go!

Because whatever doesn’t contribute meaningfully to your passion and purpose, takes away from it.

We can not do all things. We don’t have infinite time. We are not responsible for the entire world, and we are not responsible for others. Even when it’s someone we love deeply – a child, a parent, a spouse… we must recognize that they are graced with their own free will, and they have agency in their life. If we are asked to help and can do so, that is wonderful… but when we are not invited, or can not help, they are simply on the path to learning the lessons they need to learn, and we should… you guessed it… mind our own business! 🙂

As you have probably experienced first hand, when you put your focus on other people and circumstances that are not “your business”, you accomplish nothing but dissipating your personal power and wasting your time. It may seem harmless to spend an hour or two with a friend complaining about someone else, or the troubles of the world… but it isn’t. That’s an hour or two of your own life you will never get back. An hour or two you could have spent making a meaningful contribution through your own passion and purpose.

In addition, because you lose time every time you focus on someone else’s business, and accomplish nothing, this often leads to a feeling of frustration, hopelessness, and in severe cases even depression/anxiety disorders, causing a negative spiral that wrecks all the potential that could have been used to create a beautiful and fulfilling life for YOU.

Your energy is precious… rather than throw it away on something where you can’t possibly improve the situation anymore than throwing peas at a brick wall will make any impact on the brick wall, remember that when you shine your light first and foremost on empowering yourself, you do the greatest good – because only a fully empowered woman can help anyone else.

In closing, as a little exercise, consider having the following imaginary thoughts, and ask yourself “YES”/”NO” on whether the thought is “your business”:

  1. I’m so sick of being 20 lbs overweight. It seems hopeless but maybe I should try something…
  2. Why can’t my sister get her act together? I’m so tired of her complaining about the latest bad boyfriend… if she didn’t find them all in bars, that’d be a start… who does that? And another thing, she drinks way too much…
  3. This job is a dead end and I hate my boss. I wonder if I could take some classes for a different career?
  4. He’s hopeless at money, but if he just let me manage his marketing and promotion, I could really turn things around for his freelance business! Then he’d appreciate how useful I am, and maybe take us on a nice vacation and notice how lucky he is to have me around…
  5. It’s disgusting the way some people keep their homes… yards full of trash, overgrown grass… how can they live like that?
  6. If he doesn’t change his diet and stop smoking, he’s going to have another heart attack… I’ve been worried sick about it. Maybe I can come over and cook him some veggie based recipes? I’m sure if he just tries them, he’ll change his mind about “green things” being “for rabbits”…
  7. I tell him every day he needs to work on his issues. It’s obvious he could use a therapist, I just don’t understand why he doesn’t see it… maybe I’m not explaining it the right way? How else could I say it… I just need to find a way so that he’ll finally “get it”…
  8. It’s those rich people that are the problem with the world, being so selfish. If I had all that money, I’d do something good with it…
  9. Omg, are they dating? Crazy! She’s way too good for him. Maybe he’s a stud in bed… maybe that would explain the seven kids with six different ex’s? I donno, I couldn’t ever go for a guy like that…
  10. Hmmm…. How do I feel right now? What do I want to accomplish with my day?

What are your answers to those 10? Any you struggled to answer? If so, you might benefit from a private coaching consult to regain your personal power and effectiveness.

Much love!


If my work resonates with you, and you’d like to know more about one-on-one coaching about your situation, I’d love to hear from you at TheSirenRules@gmail.com.