woman w tea
Ladies –

We live in a time, and in a society, where too many women have forgotten their value, by being immersed in a toxic culture with precious few examples of high-value, empowered, successful (professionally and romantically) female role models. In spite of the modern claims of “equality”, our society continuously de-values and degrades not only women, but all natural female values and virtues.

Whether diplomacy, people skills, intuition, compassion, empathy, cooperation, or nurturing – women’s inherent traits are considered weaknesses instead of strengths across the board – meanwhile our culture holds in high esteem the traditionally male traits of aggression, competition, violence and status-seeking, in spite of the fact that they rarely lead to good outcomes!

Women are expected to compete with men and to be judged by male metrics at work, while also being expected to be perfect mothers, housekeepers, and porn stars-behind-closed-doors at home, all while being told their bodies must conform to a false idea of perfection which is impossible to achieve without cosmetic surgery and other drastic measures.

Women are not treated as equals – they are treated as somehow begrudgingly tolerated, “sub-optimal men” in many fields. They are expected to not show emotion, to “know their place,” and put up with a dog-eat-dog, sexist work environment. In this toxic, male-dominated culture, motherhood is obviously considered far less valuable than chasing your first million or running a company, and full time mothers are regarded as little better than social parasites. Single mothers are endlessly shamed as “sluts”, while the men who run away from their children get no blame for the issue. But women who keep a marriage and home together at all costs aren’t treated much better either – since spending all your time taking care of your home and your family, is no longer considered an acceptable position for a woman. Even expecting men to open doors, pay for dinner, provide protection, be faithful, get married, or pay child support, is seen by many men these days as some sort of wicked female “manipulation”.

Just the other day I read a bit in the news, where some joker was claiming in family court that his woman “stole his last name”, “impregnated herself” and was “a gold-digger” and “clout-chaser” after she gave birth to their child, and quite naturally gave the child his last name. Apparently he was very angry that this woman had the audacity of expecting him to pay part of the cost of raising HIS CHILD, or to give the child his last name – though there was indisputable DNA proof HE WAS THE FATHER. Amazingly, all of this ridiculous, self-absorbed grandstanding, was after the man willingly had a relationship with this woman that included two years of unprotected sex.

How did all this nonsense come about?

How did our society devolve to this point??


Yep, the dreaded “patriarchy” behind the scenes – pulling strings and confusing women from a young age with endless mixed messages and photoshopped magazine covers, degrading advertising campaigns, hookup culture, and conflating “freedom” with “free sex (for guys benefit).”

You see, women in their natural state very soon discover the power they have over men, because they are not ruled by their sex drives. And men naturally work to please and serve them, to compete for their attention, to be judged by them as a worthy male by them, with the right to have sex as the ultimate prize. In every tribe, in every village, in every country, through every time in history, and in every animal species, this has been true about male and female – MEN compete. Women CHOOSE. Men desire and crave sex. Women don’t allow it until men prove themselves worthy.

Except in modern times, men have cleverly exploited social change and the invention of birth control. They have brainwashed women into believing that in order to be “powerful” like a man, she must be “promiscuous” like a man. Naturally, this is 100% for the benefit of men!

Men have told that lie, in a thousand different ways, that in order for him to like you, you need to prove what a freak you are in bed first. That he doesn’t need to bring anything to the table – that you’re the one who has to prove yourself as sexy and desirable. That you’re not “all that.” That he’s got lady-options waiting for him everywhere. That all the other women are doing it. That your cake should be served up like a nightcap on the first date! That he should always get it easy, like a video game, porn on demand, or social media clicks… just a quick text message to your number, and you should show up on his doorstep in lingerie, all ready to go like pizza delivery.

Do you not see how insulting that is?

You are not a pizza… You are a woman. You are a prize.

Every attempt to normalize this insanity and disrespect, is all a lie… designed to mess with your head, so he can win. So he can steal a treasure without paying for it.

But beyond the lies and games, women still have the power. We as women, are naturally wired to love one another, support and help each other, to spend our days talking and sharing work, childcare, stories about who did what, and which guys don’t deserve a date because they did one of us wrong. We are meant to stick together – powerful – a force to be reckoned with – and that is exactly what women do, cross-culturally, in every traditional society across the planet.

But here in the “modern” western world, women have been tricked – and told to see other women as competition. That other women are against you. That men are some sort of scarce resource, you have to fight over…. hahahaa!

Ladies… I don’t mean to be crass, but hear me –

Dicks are not a scarce resource.

The most plane-Jane girl can catch a dick anytime she wants.

Men are not picky, they are slaves to their sex drives. When there are no women around, they sleep with sheep! (No woman has ever lived, that became so desperate for sex she got busy with a sheep…)

So the next time some scrub, some f*ckboy, or some insufferable politician or businessman tries to tell you he can have anyone he wants, and you’re not worth a damn as a woman, just remember – it’s a game. It’s a lie. It’s A CON. It’s divide and conquer. The con only works when you believe it.

The con only works when we as women all believe it, and start fighting each other unnecessarily – going against our very nature.

Women are so powerful united that the only way men think they have a chance to be anything other than our pet-sex-slaves, is to pit us against each other. To convince thick women that skinny women are bitches, to convince skinny women that they’re not anorexic enough, to convince plain women that model-beauty is the only thing that really matters, while telling the model-beautiful girls that some absurd, imagined imperfection, drastically lowers their desirability. They’ll tell smart girls to act dumb because men like that, and tell average girls they’re too stupid for a man to take them seriously. Career women are told to soften up, while traditional women are told without a higher education and six figure incomes to their credit they’ll never catch a good man.

It’s all BS!

There is no wrong way to be a woman. Every woman is needed. Every woman is desired.

Men need you. Men want you. Men are desperate for you – more than they could ever put into words. Women absolutely wreck men… men are nothing without women. Women knock them over with a feather… make them weak at the knees and helpless by their feminine essence. A woman needs nothing more than what she was born with to wrap a man around her finger with a single smile.

That is exactly why men had to create so many lies, games, and dirty tricks to appear more powerful, and to fool you. Because if you saw through the grand illusion and realized the truth, they wouldn’t stand a chance. That is why they have you convinced you’re doing something wrong somehow, that you’re not enough, and other women are your competition, when the truth is –

No matter who, what, where or how you are – you are a woman. And just being born a woman is enough to be loved, cherished and valued.

Always remember that eternal truth…

And don’t ever listen to some fool trying to con you into believing otherwise.


Much love,



PS. If you’d like to speak to me one on one or get private coaching to learn about the lies you’ve learned and how to unlearn them through Siren Principles, I’d love to hear from you at